Saturday, June 19, 2010


Wow, its been a while.
I have been sewing some, traveling some and of course the usual work work work. I habe made another baby quilt for a new baby in our street.. Its pink of course for a girl.
I have also started making Klosjes (I hope I have spelled that correctly. Its a very good hand project for me to do. Doesn't take a lot of preparation.

I have also been on a quilting retreat to Bathurst. My travel buddies were Julie and Carleen. We had a couple of days in Sydney prior to Bathurst and after. The unit that we stayed in was top notch. Two bedroom apartment. Just up from Darling Harbour and Chinatown. We did the usual touristy things, and had a ball.

Below left is Julie & I at Darling Harbour and right is Carleen and Julie at the Bar just down from our apartment.Blogger is being difficult with the layout so the photos are different from what they were in the original post

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